Current News
Check Member Login for updates on all CWC activities.  Both Board and Member Meetings will be conducted both in person & online via Zoom in 2025.  Check our Meeting Calender for that info.

Club News Update:  We have switched to the Member Login section to post all the activities and events of the Club and we now have ample room to post photos of all events.  Included is an Archive where photos, newsletters and other information of all past events can easily be accessed. 

Club House Update:  Login to the Member section, click on Club House update link.

Re Photo Scrapbooks:    All new items are digitally scanned to be preserved on CD and the originals put in the proper scrapbooks.  The call continually goes out .. anyone with CWC photos ... please contact our President - email: to donate them to the Club for our Archives.  

We have posted many of these early event clippings and member photos.  Log into the Member section and click on the New Scrapbooks link. Scrapbooks are broken down by year.  

Project Updates:   Login to Member section, click on Project Updates link.  

Our Newsletter was changed to be published quarterly which began due to the pandemic but will continue because most info for the Club is available to members via the Member Login. The club voted to keep the public Newsletter quarterly giving just a synopsis of what the Club is doing. All current and past Newsletters can be found in our Member Login section under:  Newsletters.  All Club info is available via our Members Log-in.

Winter Update:   Members can use the Member Login and click on the link Fundraiser and get further information or click on Current Projects for info on the various ongoing projects. 

Special Notice:  Our website has been down for a time due to our hosting agent partnering with another.  During the transition of the two companies transferring websites to a new server, a glitch in their transfer system took down a number of sites.  It was a chaotic mess. As of today, Jan 8th, 2025, our CWC site is again up and running. Even the Club Members login was also affected. The Board immediately scheduled Zoom meetings so that our CWC projects and other Club activities could go on.  Sorry for the inconvenience. 

CWC completed its annual 'Support our Soldiers' project the first week of December.  All the books, supplies and holiday treats were sent off to them December 8th.  

Our Club Holiday Party this year was wonderful.  We all enjoyed the new Holiday Dice Gift Exchange so much so the ladies want to do it again next Holiday. 

Board:  The Board also brought up a number of topics for discussion.  Again, two of the major ones were whether we should raise the membership level and whether we should add yet another Fundraiser.   All these topics will be put to member vote in late January. 

For 2025, our annual picnic will be held the second week of June.  Check Member Login for details. 

Fundraisers:  Per Membership (most current )Vote, the Board continues to plan for one virtual book sale fundraiser and our usual May & Sept fundraisers.  This may change in late Jan when this is put to membership vote.  Info is now available in our Member Login under the link: 2025 Fundraisers for the upcoming ones.

Club Membership:  Remember that our By Laws limit the membership number and we still have more ladies on our waiting list to become new members.  The membership voted again to maintain our current Membership number and not increase it .. so we still have ladies on our waiting list for a place in our organization. We did have three new inductees for May 2024 due to three members leaving the Club to relocate to different states so the Wait List did move. As of Jan 8, 2025, we now currently have 16 on our Wait List.

Book Sale:  The virtual book sales have been a wonderful way for the ladies to enjoy a new supply of good reads without all the hassle of transporting books. Check Member Login for info on virtual book sales dates and location of pickup,.

We will continue to implement virtual books sales because we can do multiple sales a year and we dont have to reserve a specific place to hold the sale which has always been a hassle .. we only need a pickup area for books purchased and the Board has secured two locations that we will alternate. 

Additional Update:
Re:  New Members   The members had voted last year to keep the membership number we currently have because they felt this was a manageable number of members.  We have put a number of membership requests on a Waiting List until such time as we have space available or the members decide to look at this issue again. Email: to have your contact info added to the Waiting List.  

As of this 2024 Winter Newsletter, we are still at the maximum limit of members .. and 16 on our Wait List.

Reminder:  The Board continually asks members to keep submitting ideas for additional charitable projects.  We can never have enough ideas collected. We have gotten a number of fabulous ideas so far so let's keep that momentum going. 

All newsletters are always maintained in our Archives which can be accessed via the Member Log in for you to catch up with those newsletters missed.

Interested in joining our organization and working on a variety of charitable projects?  As of this month, our Club is still at its By laws membership limit however we are able to add your name onto our Waiting List.  As space opens up, we take the next name from our Waiting List.  Email: to request your contact information be added to the waiting list.

Announcements of our club formal meetings will also be made by email and via local media such as Current in Carmel.  For further information, please call 317.225.9755 or email:  Currently, we are still using Zoom for a number of our meetings so that our younger working members may participate without sacrificing hours away from the office to participate.  We did have 5 formal in person meetings in 2024. Our last formal in person meeting was in May for the induction ceremonies. 

Our Donations:   If you have items for donations, just call us and Daris, Joyce or Dottie will arrange to have them picked up from you.

So for any of the food/clothing or other donation items, and for Manufacturer's Coupons and other donations for our US Military overseas bases, please call 317.225.9755 and arrangements will be made to have the items picked up from you.  

 Club News Monthly Updates:

CWC Annual Scholarships: CWC grants scholarships to mature women in need in our community who are returning to school for a higher education. Our scholarship program has been revamped and expanded. Access our Scholarships link for past general information, and for more detailed scholarship information and deadlines, email: or call 317.225.9755. Donations to our Scholarship Program can be made at any time.  Scholarship Recipient Thank You letters are posted under the Scholarship Info link via our Member Login.

Board Reports:  Login to Member section, click on Board Reports link.  This link will also take you to our Archives link for current and prior reports.  

Special Ongoing Projects:  Login to Member section, click on the specific project for detailed info and updates.

Non-Member Volunteers are also welcome to assist in making a wide variety of items needed by the Riley kids.  Riley's kids' needs are many and we can surely use the help!  We provide the patterns for the various items.

For more information on getting involved with CWC's Knitting and Crafting Group, or simply donating some of the items needed, please email: or call 317.225.9755.  

Donations for Homeless Shelters:  Login to Member section, click on the specific project link.

CWC is still engaged in collecting donations for the homeless shelters and food pantries during this pandemic. 

Many of the veterans who are in need of specific things even other than medical go there for assistance. They are now beginning to gather up light, summer weight blankets of all sizes, cotton socks, T-shirts, etc... for men and women veterans. Larger sizes are always especially needed.  Personal care items are always needed. We continue collecting any and all items and hope that you will think of our veterans who sacrificed so much to maintain our freedom when donating.  So many are really having a tough time right now and would be so grateful for your help.

Wheeler Mission is in need of just about everything in clothing and personal care items.  Items go out as fast as they come in.

Food Pantry Donations:  Login to Member section, click on Food Pantries link.

Time to consider some cleaning of your closets and donating unused items to those in need. The food seems to run out of their inventory at most food pantries so quickly that many of their shelves are nearly bare days after the donations are dropped off.  Please try to get more food and clothing to us.  Remember, we can have your donations picked up by Daris and her sidekicks Connie and Allison  We've added now a number of ladies to help out and all were kept very busy the past few months but the need is still strong.

The Back to School initiative has been successful since its inception. Please keep those donations of boxes of Kleenex and anti-bacterial gel coming ... colds and allergy seem to be all year round and never end.  Sanitizers with a minimum of 70% ethanol or alcohol are the FDA approved sanitizers which kill 99.99% of the germs. Sanitizers with less than 70% ethanol or alcohol are only minimally effective but considered better than nothing at all.  

Continuing Request:  The food pantries are also in need of pet food!  We often forget that many people in need also have pets who need to be fed.  These pets are members of their families.  With the high costs of pet foods, toys, etc the food pantries take in these items as well. Please dont forget the furry four legged friends when donating.  The Humane Society of Hamilton County also is in need of gently used towels and small rugs that the animals can snuggle up in.

Thank you to all who have taken the time to drop off these much needed donations.  What is needed now are small blankets or even large towels and pet beds for our furry friends to nest in.  Even gently used old towels create a sense of security for the smaller animals.  Pet treats are also something very special that our pets dont get enough of.

Continuing Need:  There is still a strong need for food donations to feed the children through the year.  With many families having both parents working, many kids are left to prepare meals for themselves  ... so we encourage items that the children can prepare for themselves or with items that require little preparation. You can help shore up that deficiency by donating the following types of foods that kids can handle.  Canned items such as chili, soups, stews, canned fruits and veggies, canned tuna or chicken, macaroni, pastas, pasta sauces and of course, any kind of healthy treats and snacks which are quick and easy for them to prepare, along with being nutritious. 

The school kids are especially in need during the time that schools are closed.  Many kids rely on the school meals so our community has made arrangements for grab and go meals and CWC is also collecting more to supplement the programs in place.  The list below are the items that would be appreciated.

We have received calls regarding perishable foods and what food items can be donated. Our food pantries find these to be the best and would like the following:

Canned Meat or Fish
Tuna and other canned meat, such as chicken, stew, chili, salmon or corned beef, are always in need at food pantries.
Soup is easy to store and keep on pantry shelves. Many soups provide nutritional value; and though often a meal supplement, there are many times when soup might be an entire meal for someone.
Canned Fruits and Vegetables
Although some food pantries accept fresh vegetables and fruits, canned types are preferred because there is no worry of spoilage while on pantry shelves or during transportation. Most pantries have canned beans, in particular, on their list of needed items.
Peanut Butter
High in protein, peanut butter figures prominently on the list of most needed food items in pantries across the country.
Pasta or boxed pasta dinners, such as macaroni and cheese, make good donation items because, in most cases, a little goes a long way. Pasta is also a food that people can prepare along with vegetables, meat or just on its own.
Milk Products
Needed milk items include powdered milk, boxed puddings and cheese spreads. Some food pantries may accept fresh dairy products, such as yogurt, cheese and milk.
Grain Products
Types of grain products to consider include brown rice, whole grain bread, bagels or muffins.
Boxed cereal is expensive for low-income families to purchase. In addition to having a long shelf life, which makes for excellent pantry storage, many cereals are fortified with vitamins and include healthy grains. Oatmeal is also in demand, whether instant or regular.
Baby Food
Infant formula and baby food are expensive for those in need. Canned formula and boxed baby cereal are easy to store and in great demand. Some pantries might not accept baby food in glass jars, however.
Non-food Items
Many pantries also supply toiletries, including deodorant, soap, shampoo, toilet tissue, toothpaste and toothbrushes, shaving soap and feminine hygiene products. Other non-food items needed are cleaning supplies and diapers.  Clothing is always needed.

If you have perishable foods that you want to donate, please call and ask for Karla.  She will make arrangements with you for these items to be picked up and immediately delivered to a pantry in insulated carriers. It goes without saying that all perishable items must be very fresh and within the use by dates stamped on them. Fresh fruits and veggies are always welcomed by the pantries.

Overseas Coupon Program for our U.S. soldiers:  Login to Member section, click on Overseas Coupon Program link.

The overseas coupon program has been in high gear.   Our military families depend upon things like this to help them out.  There are 17 overseas bases .. we do a rotation of bases if we don't get enough coupons to cover all 17.  With rising food and personal care items rising, coupons certainly help our military families stretch their money. The simple act of donating these coupons to them means a great deal to them.  Please save all the coupons you can as the mfrs are extending the dates that the coupons can be used. Again, special thanks to the businesses that have been covering our costs for sending all these packages of coupons overseas. We feel blessed and appreciate your kindness in helping our Club with this project - we would find it difficult to do without your help!

Manufacturer's coupons are good on all military bases for six months PAST the expiration dates ... so remember not to discard any coupons unless they are past the 6 month limit. These coupons provide military families with much needed items saving them money.  

Some the items requested are:  giftcards, current new or gently used paperback books;  puzzle type books  - like sodoku, crosswords and brain teasers; new black or white cotton men's and women's crew socks or boot socks in size large; new plain (no printing or slogans) med-lg-Xtra lg T-shirts; unopened/unexpired juice boxes and candy (no chocolate because it melts); unopened pkgs of beef or turkey jerky; unexpired frequent flier miles; old cellphones which get sold and the money used to purchase intl phone cards for soldiers; foot powders (preferably Gold Bond Medicated Foot Powder, Tinactin Super Absorbent Powder or Dr School's Soothing Foot Powder - these help prevent pain/itching from wearing heavy boots.); unopened/unexpired deodorant or antiperspirant; unopened toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss or travel sized mouthwash; unopened insect repellent like OFF or Repel; unused/unexpired gift cards to natl restaurants like Mcdonalds, Subway, or stores like Target, KMart, Walmart or natl grocery chains - these are used by military families); unopened pkgs of mints and gum; unopened/unexpired individual pkgs of powdered Gatorade or any powdered drinks that can be mixed with just water; unopened travel sized pkgs of Wet Wipes or similar pre-moistened towelettes; unopened/unexpired snacks like chex mix, nuts, pretzels, and cookies; DVDs you no longer want - Westerns, Comedies or TV series- (no adult X rated allowed); new, unused blankets of any size and material o wood, cotton or fleece;  and last but not least ... cards or letters expressing your thanks for their service in keeping our country safe. 

Police, Paramedics and Fire Dept Needs:  New or like new stuffed animals; new coloring books and crayons; or picture books new or in excellent condition.  These items are given to children who've been through some kind of trauma to calm them down.  We will even take very gently used, clean stuffed animals and books.

ALL CWC Donations:   Call 317.225.9755 to arrange a donation pickup until we have secured a new drop-off location.

Fundraising Events:   For all the years CWC has been in existence, it has always had its Main Fundraiser - the Dessert & Card Party - to support the scholarships.  Some time ago, we implemented a second variable fundraiser currently held in September. This new event has been a real success that members are excited already about this fiscal year's annual variable event. Each year this second annual event type and theme will be voted on by our membership early in the year.

Fundraising Event Info:  Login to Member section, click on Fundraiser Events for more detailed info.  .

Tickets for all our Fundraising Events are sold in two ways:  individual tickets and for reserved table tickets. 

Payment of tickets, see our Event Registration page or call 317.225.9755. Tickets can be purchased and paid for via credit card or e-check online through our payment processing system - the link to it was provided in your invitation .. or by check dropped off at our Donation Drop-off Location, or purchased at the door a half hour before the event - please bring your invitation for ticket purchase.  Login to the Member section to access our secure payment link.

Carmel Women's Club has been hosting the main Annual Fundraiser (The Dessert and Card Party) for many years now and each year it just gets better and better.  Voted for in early 2016 which continues on, the Club added a variable second Annual Fundraiser in Sept which changes from year to year based on membership choice.  Many hours are volunteered by members to create the perfect settings these lovely afternoons of socializing. 

100% of the proceeds of both these fundraising events go to our scholarship fund.  The fund helps women in our community who are in need and who are returning to school for a higher education.  We hope that you will plan to attend and Invite your friends to come along ... or come alone and we will introduce you to new friends.  We hope that you will join us for these relaxing and fun-filled afternoons.  

Use the Member Log-in to access detailed information on both fundraising events and photos and check the link for this year's planned two events.

CWC Archives - Past Club News

ReCap: October 2014 Membership Meeting Re New Club Format: A number of discussions were held at the October membership meeting on various topics but the main one was regarding membership recruitment which is needed to keep the Club strong. The other challenge that we have is that our members' lives are very busy and we all have so much on our plates that finding a meeting date and time that accommodates the majority of members has become the #2 challenge. A number of members (Tiers 1 and 2) can only attend meetings held during the day and our (Tier 3) career women who need evening meetings often have extended work days. They also do a great deal of business traveling and those travel dates conflict with meeting dates. This has become a scheduling dilemma to find dates that work for all members and this will become an even greater dilemma as new members join.

After considerable discussion and an exchange of ideas and possible options, we decided the best solution is to alter our meeting format a little so that this wont be such a challenge to overcome. We will implement a change to be a more "project oriented" Club with limited physical full membership meetings. This will allow our members to work on all the projects we have going, meeting in their own chosen small groups at a time convenient for each group. 

Each month the Chairman of each Tier project group will give our Board a progress update so we can keep track of where we are for each project. We are fortunate to have technology that allows us to easily communicate effectively and comfortably for time management purposes.. such as emails, IM and Go-To-Meeting software to accomplish this. It also allows the women to work together within their own small groups, scheduling their own individual meetings as needed. These small group Tier meetings are easier to arrange in terms of time and place than trying to get an entire membership together for general meetings.

As a charitable non-profit organization, we are only legally required to have one formal membership meeting a year so any more than that is optional and up to our Board. The Board has chosen to hold two formal full membership meetings a year. These two meetings will be a combination of conducting membership business and socializing. That will give all our members - new and old - time to meet and get better acquainted.  

The first formal membership meeting will be at the beginning of each fiscal year with the emphasis to be the announcement of the new goals and projects for the year; and the second to be in June, which is the close of the fiscal year so that we can announce the success of each project, review any issues that the Board should address for the next fiscal year, along with conducting our annual Club ceremonies. Officer nominations and elections will be done electronically and Officer Installation and New Member Initiation ceremonies will be held at our formal full membership meeting in June.

The President or Co-Presidents can at any time call for any additional Membership and Board meetings that they feel are necessary. The Board will meet every two months so that we can monitor the status of all projects and address any issues that might arise.  

Those interested in becoming members will meet with either the President or one of the Co-Presidents, and based on the projects we have going on at the time, will be introduced and brought in to whatever project group or groups they are interested in.

Everyone seemed to be very pleased with trying this new format. Obviously, as we grow, we will keep monitoring the effectiveness of this new format, along with other areas of our operations and make whatever changes the membership feels are necessary.
 Winter 2024 Newsletter